Sunday 6 January 2013

Our first week

I am happy to say that our journey to the Solomon Island was a safe and happy one.  Besides being stopped in Brisbane for an extra bag weight checked, checked for explosive powder and being the last on the plane because we wanted a duty free vodka, it was a very enjoyable trip.  

We were lucky enough to get a taxi that could fit all of us and all of our luggage and headed off to our new home.  Alex didn't seem to notice much but I could tell that Elijah's face had a bit of concern on it.  Honiara as a town seems very run down compared to Melbourne.  People tend to litter and the streets have many potholes in them.  The locals never drive very fast because they are too busy trying to avoid the potholes.  Obviously the locals are dark skinned and most of them have stained teeth from chewing beettlenut. We asked Elijah what he thought and of course he said "it's great" but I could tell he was feeling a little uneasy. 

Once we made it to the house we were all pleasantly surprised.  Although it is not big, it has a beautiful garden,  a screened in mosquito free porch and 3 bedrooms so the kids can have their own rooms.  It also has a few roaches and ants.  I have only seen a couple of roaches but ants seem to come out of the woodwork if you leave a dirty plate for a minute or two. I am told that this is very common for this region and although I may try, I probably won't get rid of them completely.  We also have 3 coconut trees, one star fruit tree and a guava tree. 

Alex insisted that we try to crack open one of the coconuts, so we spent about an hour smashing it on a cement block and we opened it enough to get the coconut water out.  The next evening when our new security guard, Eddison came for his shift, we asked him to open one and with a few hits of his machete it was opened with a perfect hole to drink the juice.  When we were finished just a few more hits and it was opened so we could eat the pulp.

Compared to most of the locals we are living in luxury.  I have uploaded a picture of what most of the villages look like.  We have air condition but have not had to use it yet.  I am finding the night time comfortable but the day time hot.  I am trying to be tough and get use to the heat, however it will eventually get turned on. 
I have tons more to say but I think I will stop there for now.  We all are enjoying it so far.  I am sure we will have many more stories to come in the weeks to follow. 

One of the cafes that only expats or rich locals could afford.

The major market.  This is where I will do most of my fruit and veg shopping. 

Our New Home
Many locals will live in smaller huts in a village setting. 

Another view of the market.  


  1. Glad you arrived a settled in safely Chris - Looks like it is going to be a great adventure. Keep the blog posts coming. Love to all. Jen xx

  2. Good blog. I like it. Was not felling uneasy I am okay.

    From Elijah

  3. Hi Christine Your dad and I are trying to figure out how to do this, i think we got it I enjoyed the pictures . Did you go to the deserted island for the weekend?

    1. Glad you guys are on. I probably should just make it public but I don't know that I want the entire world to follow our journey.

      We did go away for the weekend and had a great time lounging around. We kayaked, snorkled and took walks through the villages. The kids are so confident with the mask and fins. When they dove down the clown fish would come right up to their masks.

      My only real complaint so far is that I am covered in bits. They could be mosquitos, ants or a number of various things. I need to figure out something to make them stop bitting me in the first place. They don't seem to bother Andrew at all. Love you.

  4. Thanks Christine - the kids & I loved reading all about your adventure so far and the photos are fantastic! Glad it is all going well - can't wait to read all about the first day at school!!!
    Lots of love,
    (& a big hello to Elijah from Haddi!!)
